Monday, January 13, 2014

My Year of Love

Love was my word of focus in 2013.  It was the first time for me to choose a word to focus on for an entire year.  This for me was in place of resolutions that seem to evaporate from our mind not long after we think of them or write them down.  So I took the challenge and focused on one word.  The word I chose seems to be used and thrown about as easy as taking a breath.  But what I found out was this.....

Love is an action verb.  Love is a noun - (no judgement from all my English literary friends)

I learned that when I read scripture focused on love it is...
           hard to judge
                  difficult to stay angry
                           not important to always be right
                                       easier to forgive
                                               sometimes challenging
                                                           involves grace
                                                                           sharing the journey
                                                                                       opening new doors and closing others

One of my challenges that I hoped would resolve itself in the past year was my frustration and sometimes unwillingness to "love others" who reminded me of my old self.  You see the old Rhondell was mainly the opposite of the things listed above.  Not to say that I get it right every day, every minute now but I'm so thankful that God continues to help me remove my old layers of selfishness, judgement, pride, and ego to be emptied and able to be filled with LOVE.

Before you read this and think I have it all together, let me be the first to tell you I don't.  What I have learned over the years and especially last year is that each day I (we) are given the opportunity to love.  To love someone. To love something. To love somewhere. To love ourselves.

To love and to be loved doesn't mean your life is with out problems or complications.  But to know the eternal love, the love of peace and understanding is to know that love never fails.

So as I say farewell to my word of 2013 and look forward to what my word of 2014 teaches me, I hope you enjoy love!

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