Monday, January 13, 2014

2014 word of choice - Replenish


verb \ri-ˈple-nish\
: to fill or build up (something) again
Full Definition of REPLENISH
transitive verb
a :  to fill with persons or animals :  stock
b archaic :  to supply fully :  perfect
c :  to fill with inspiration or power :  nourish
a :  to fill or build up again 
b :  to make good :  replace
intransitive verb
:  to become full :  fill up again
I keep thinking this is a most interesting word choice for me or maybe anyone really.  As I searched, thought and prayed of a word of focus for 2014 - I was constantly reminded if I am empty I cannot serve.  That with each day of life we (I) must find time to replenish. 
Back in the fall, Tommy and I really began to notice how I needed to be replenished.  That I had given and went as much as I could but that it was beginning to take its toll on me (spiritually, emotionally and physically) By not taking the time to fill up again, or be filled with inspiration - that I could not help to replenish others.

Some of the ways I hope to replenish this year:
Through new relationships
Renewing relationships
Spending time in silence, laughter, and prayer
Creating a prayer path with a friend
Stepping away from things that suck the life out of me
Getting involved in something outside of my work

I see small group, communal meals, time on the farm, time of giving on my horizon...


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